Modern Website Redesign Services

Website redesign services

Give your website a new look and win over more clients

  • Effective communication with user
  • Improved User Experience
  • Raise visibility
  • Grab Your Audience's Attention

Why Redesign a Website?

Generally, companies want to redesign their websites because of common reasons like:

  • Rebrand the site
  • Boost Traffic
  • Adding some latest functions to improve the user experience.
  • Converting leads into sales.
Website Redesign Services

At Nexovah, we keep in mind all the above-mentioned points while delivering our custom website redesign services. Our redesigning features will surely meet your expectations. There are some added benefits you will get with our website redesign services.

  • The website will be responsive. Get the best user experience on any device (laptop, tablet, mobile) they use.
  • Effective navigation and good UI (User Interface) will clearly convey your brand message.
  • We make your website look more professional to build trust and convert visitors into leads.
  • We understand that your company’s website is your digital store. To make your online presence powerful, we optimize the sites with modern techniques that are effective in lead generation and conversion.
  • We improve the CTA (Call To Action) messages to help you grow your business.

Our Custom Website Redesign Services

Nexovah team works to give perfection to the project. If the clients want us to design the website from scratch using HTML or create one within the same CMS (Content Management System)–we will do that for them.

We have custom solutions for everyone. From small businesses to large corporate companies, from 10 pages simple website to a complicated website with 150 pages– you ask, we get it done for you.

Here are some features of our Custom Web Redesign Services:

  • Mobile-friendly Website Redesign Service

    More than 50% of consumers makes website queries on mobile devices. If your current website is incapable of handling such queries, then you need to redesign it for sure. Our custom and professional website redesign services have a “responsive design” feature to make your website function perfectly on any device without lagging. An advanced mobile-optimized site will be simple and hassle-free.

  • Wordpress Redesign Service

    Based on our clients’ requirements, we redesign websites using the best converting templates or create a custom one. We mostly work on wordpress, but our experts are comfortable in working with other CMS as well.

  • Redesigning and Optimizing the Landing Page

    Landing page optimization ensures that your website achieves the highest rate of conversion. To make your landing page effective for your business, we use best practices (simple yet eye-catching visuals, great media, correct use of colors, etc.) to redesign the websites. Our expert team-members use modern methods like A/B testing to optimize the landing page to improve the conversion rates.

  • Rapid Speed

    Slow loading sites not only make you lose your customers but also can get your site penalized by search engines like Google. We redesign and develop such customized websites for you that have limited back coding to give your website faster load time.

  • No hidden costs

    Our agreement with our clients is crystal clear comparing other web design companies. We do not imply any hidden charges or put any clause while shifting the ownership of the website to our clients. After we redesign the website for you, it’s entirely yours.

  • Website Redesign Portfolio

    Our gallery of custom website redesign is created only for you to access all the unique themes. You can choose any from the gallery or ask us to make a custom theme for your website. We believe in 100% customer satisfaction.

What Is a Website Redesign?

Your website is the face of your company and responsible for maintaining your digital identity. Over the time, some of the features and functions go outdated, making your website look dull. In such cases, the website needs redesigning along with hidden functionality coding. Redesigning the website means revamping it completely with attractive layouts, updating content, improving navigation and user experience (UX) to make the site perform better. This will lead to more traffic, more leads, more conversions.

What Is a Website Redesign?

Your website is the face of your company and responsible for maintaining your digital identity. Over the time, some of the features and functions go outdated, making your website look dull. In such cases, the website needs redesigning along with hidden functionality coding. Redesigning the website means revamping it completely with attractive layouts, updating content, improving navigation and user experience (UX) to make the site perform better. This will lead to more traffic, more leads, more conversions.

Website Redesign Tips to Boost Sales

A good-looking, properly functional website builds trust and credibility for your business. Redesigning a website is an important factor to be considered when you want to increase the number of leads and sales. We have curated some useful website redesigning tips to make your old website brand new.

The Website needs visibility

Increasing website visibility is one of the best SEO practices. We make sure your website performs well in the biggest search engines like Google and others. We carefully optimize your website with all SEO angles. As a website design company, we guarantee to deliver the best online experience for your users.

Responsive or Mobile Friendly design Integration

There are two points to take into consideration when talking about mobile-friendly website redesign services.

Custom Web Development
  • Half of the global web traffic comes from devices like mobile and tablets. It’s important that your site remains responsive so visitors can easily view it from a
  • Google prefers mobile-friendly websites and ranks them higher in the relevant search engine results.
  • A responsive and user-friendly website reflects positively on your brand. It shows that you care about providing a seamless experience to your users, leading to higher trust and credibility.
  • Having a responsive or mobile-friendly website positively impacts your search engine ranking. Google's algorithms prioritize user experience, and mobile-friendliness is a key factor in determining a website's rank.

Stay ahead of the curve, invest in your website redesign, and witness the transformation of your web presence. Reach out to our expert team for a free consultation and stay on top on your journey towards digital success.

An attractive website with a responsive feature helps increase leads and conversions.

Fast Loading Time

Fast Loading Time

Users will never recommend such businesses when the websites run slow. Your website should load within three seconds. One second’s delay can impact your conversions. While improving your site, we increase the page loading speed to make it fully functional.

Web applications

Optimal User Experience

Users need to get quick information from your website once it loads. Improved website navigation and optimal user experience help in directing the visitors to get the correct information. Our experienced UI/UX designers will take care of it while redesigning your company’s website.

Redesign Service


You definitely don’t want your website to fall under security violations like data breaching or hacking. Any information related to the customer ( phone number, email address, shipping/billing address, etc.) is sensitive and confidential. If your website has any forms that customers can fill and put some personal details, it is your responsibility to keep them secure. Google prioritizes trusted and secured websites. We integrate advanced security features in your website while redesigning.

How we work

In case you are unable to generate more leads or sell enough products with your existing website—it’s time to fix and redesign.

At Nexovah, our team follows some steps to make your website run smoothly to give you peace of mind.

  • Identify the Problem

    The first step is to find what’s going wrong in your current website. Our expert team can quickly find the issue with your website once you share the website’s URL. We will surely come up with the solutions after identifying the problem and design a best-suited lead generating website for you.

  • Offering a solution

    We will offer you a custom web design solution once we diagnose the issue with your previous website. We’ll share our concept and ideas with you after listening to your requirements. Once you are satisfied with our design concept, we seek your approval for proceeding to the next part.

  • Redesigning Begins

    Now, the process of redesigning and redeveloping begins. Our team of talented web designers start the process after you approve the website design. Our whole team (BA, UI/UX designers, QA) works together to deliver you a responsive, fast, sales-driving functional website.

Why Nexovah?

Team Nexovah understands how a faulty existing website can be a reason for headache to the business owners. If you are thinking, why choose us, then the answer is because we offer you peace of mind with our hassle-free website redesign services.

No matter if you own a small or large company, we are there to serve you. Our custom and professional website redesign services can help you in the following cases:

Website Redesign Service
  • The target audience for your business has been changed.
  • Increase the lead and conversions to improve sales.
  • You want to update your brand message.
  • The functions and features of your existing website are outdated.
  • Your previous website is not SEO optimized.
  • Some modifications are needed to update your website’s purpose.
  • The website’s security needs improvement.
  • Something new is trending in your industry.

Moreover, we do not hide any clause while signing an agreement with the client. So, be assured, once we are done redesigning your site, it’s 100% yours.

Projects Completed
Competitor Analysis & Winning Strategy
Agencies & Clients
Cost Benefit & Support Assurance
Years of Experience
Consultation & Design

Completely free 1st time domain, hosting or server configuration support *Included, no extra cost. Free server or hosting plan assistance as per the project size & visitors expected load. We work with Industry leading hosting companies such as AWS, Cloudflare, Digital Ocean, Godaddy, BlueHost, Hostgador, etc.

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